A welfare state is frightened of every poor person who tries to get in and every rich person who tries to get out.
Harry BrowneThe problem is big government. If whoever controls government can impose his way upon you, you have to fight constantly to prevent the control from being harmful. With small, limited government, it doesn't much matter who controls it, because it can't do you much harm.
Harry BrowneIf you ask the government to impose morality, then moral questions will be decided by whoever has the most political power.
Harry BrowneLibertarians know that a free country has nothing to fear from anyone coming in or going out - while a welfare state is scared to death of poor people coming in and rich people getting out.
Harry BrowneIt's wrong for someone to confiscate your money, give it to someone else, and call that "compassion."
Harry BrowneI say that the Second Amendment doesn't allow for exceptions - or else it would have read that the right "to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, unless Congress chooses otherwise." And because there are no exceptions, I disagree with my fellow panelists who say the existing gun laws should be enforced. Those laws are unconstitutional [and] wrong - because they put you at a disadvantage to armed criminals, to whom the laws are no inconvenience.
Harry Browne