I hate war for its consequences, for the lies it lives on and propagates, for the undying hatreds it arouses.
Harry Emerson FosdickIt is not marriage that fails; it is people that fail. All that marriage does is to show people up.
Harry Emerson FosdickThe first question to be answered by any individual or by any social group, The real handle facing a hazardous sit - to a difficult uation, is whether the stuaton crisis is to be met as a challenge to strength or as an occasion for despair.
Harry Emerson FosdickMoney is a miraculous thing. It is your personal energy reduced to a portable form and endowed with power you yourself do not possess. It can go where you cannot go; speak languages you cannot speak; lift burdens you cannot touch with your fingers; save lives with which you cannot deal directly.
Harry Emerson Fosdick