Darwinism has laid the groundwork for Hitler's and Mussolini's fascism and Stalin's communism.
Harun YahyaMan who is created alone should be aware that he will also die alone. Yet during his life, he lives almost addicted to possessions... the only assets one can take with him when one dies is one's belief or disbelief
Harun YahyaNever forget that turning a blind eye to oppression and watching from the sidelines is itself opression
Harun YahyaIt is impossible for a person who fears Allah to commit terrorist acts because of his faith. Such acts are committed by people who were educated abroad, who received a Darwinist education and who internalized Darwinism, but who later called themselves Muslims.
Harun YahyaThere is a subtle danger that leads people away from religion, prevents them from submitting to God as their Lord, and ultimately, brings numerous other forms of trouble and distress upon them. This danger is ROMANTICISM, which leads people to live, not according to their reason, but according to their emotions; that is, according to their desires, hatreds, their susceptibility to temptations and their whims.
Harun Yahya