The aesthetic pleasure of dance is a secondary reflection of the primary, vital joy of courtship.
Havelock EllisEinstein is notmerely an artist in his moments of leisure and play, as a great statesman may play golf or a great soldier grow orchids. He retains the same attitude in the whole of his work. He traces science to its roots in emotion, which is exactly where art is also rooted.
Havelock EllisCivilized men arrived in the Pacific, armed with alcohol, syphilis, trousers, and the Bible.
Havelock EllisThe sexual regions constitute a particularly vulnerable spot, and remain so even in man, and the need for their protection which thus exists conflicts with the prominent display required for sexual allurement. This end is far more effectively attained, with greater advantage and less disadvantage, by concentrating the chief ensigns of sexual attractiveness on the upper and more conspicuous parts of the body. This method is well-nigh universal among animals as well as in man.
Havelock Ellis