Atmosphere is a silent music. It has its effect upon the listener, exciting or peaceful, whatever it may be.
Hazrat Inayat KhanWhen we are face to face with truth, the point of view of Krishna, Buddha, Christ, or any other Prophet, is the same. When we look at life from the top of the mountain, there is no limitation; there is the same immensity.
Hazrat Inayat KhanConsciously or unconsciously, every being is capable of healing himself or others.
Hazrat Inayat KhanThe one thing to rely upon is God's favor. Do not build either on your study or on your meditation, although they both help you. But you are dependent on God, not even on your murshid. Seek Him, trust Him. In Him lies your life's purpose, and in Him is hidden the rest of your soul.
Hazrat Inayat Khan