All the great persons of the world, whatever had been their mission in life, proved their greatness by this one quality: endurance. The enduring personality is like a ship that can stand storms and winds under all conditions, the ship that saves itself and others. Such blessed personalities, showing the strength of God have been called the saviors of humanity.
Hazrat Inayat KhanSilence is the adornment of the wise, and for the foolish the only dignity possible.
Hazrat Inayat KhanThe religion of the Sufi is the religion of the heart. The principal moral of the Sufi is to consider the heart of others, so that in the pleasure and displeasure of his fellow-man he sees the pleasure and displeasure of God.
Hazrat Inayat KhanWhen we pay attention to nature's music, we find that everything on the Earth contributes to its harmony.
Hazrat Inayat Khan