Each human personality is like a piece of music, having an individual tone and a rhythm of its own.
Hazrat Inayat KhanWhat one really wants is attracted by one, and one is attracted by what one wants.
Hazrat Inayat KhanBefore making peace, war is necessary, and that war must be made with our self. Our worst enemy is our self: our faults, our weaknesses, our limitations. And our mind is such a traitor! What does it? It covers our faults even from our own eyes, and points out to us the reason for all our difficulties: others! So it constantly deludes us, keeping us unaware of the real enemy, and pushes us towards those others to fight them, showing them to us as our enemies.
Hazrat Inayat KhanIn love abides all knowledge. It is mankind's love and interest in things that in time reveals their secret.
Hazrat Inayat KhanI had composed songs, I sang, and played the vina. Practising this music I arrived at a stage where I touched the music of the spheres. Then every soul became a musical note, and all life became music. Inspired by it I spoke to the people, and those who were attracted by my words listened to them instead of listening to my songs.
Hazrat Inayat KhanIn this world of illusion, where at the end of the examination, we find everything to be of little importance, of little worth, if there is a sign of reality, of something one can depend upon, and in which one can recognize a sign of eternity, it is in the constancy of friendship.
Hazrat Inayat Khan