To be a son or daughter of God also means you are royalty. This is the greatest of privileges, but it is also an awesome responsibility. If you are truly thankful to God and want to please Him with all your heart, you must do more than just recognize your own authority. You must use it. He asks you to give love as freely as you have received itโ not just to those who deserve it but also to everyone He puts in front of you.
Heidi BakerYes, God wants you to do signs and wonders. But the love of God manifested through you is what people really need. So you first must see His face. You must become so close to His very heartbeat that you can feel what others feel.
Heidi BakerDon't waste your time consuming what makes you weak. Spend your time pressing in for the Presence. Become so intimate with Jesus, so full of Him, that it does not matter what challenges in life present themselves to you. You will be so spiritually full that you can feed a multitude of other people's needs. Jesus will give you more than enough.
Heidi BakerIf you stand, worship, and love God in the midst of lack and difficulty, you will never lose
Heidi BakerGod wants your ministry to flow from the realization that you are a beloved child of God. In that place you donโt worry too much about how people see you. You donโt worry too much about whether theyโre nice or mean. You donโt even worry about whether they love you or hate you. You donโt worry because youโre simply going to love them and love Him. This comes from knowing who He is and what He thinks of you. This is what it means to grasp you are a child of God.
Heidi Baker