All special charters of freedom must be abrogated where the universal law of freedom is to flourish.
Heinrich HeineSleep is good, death is better; but of course, the best thing would to have never been born at all.
Heinrich HeineSleep is lovely, death is better still, not to have been born is of course the miracle.
Heinrich HeineThe negro king desired to be portrayed as white. But do not laugh at the poor African; for every man is but another negro king, and would like to appear in a color different from that with which Fate has bedaubed him.
Heinrich HeineThe beauteous dragonfly's dancing By the waves of the rivulet glancing; She dances here and she dances there, The glimmering, glittering flutterer fair. Full many a beetle with loud applause Admires her dress of azure gauze, Admires her body's bright splendour, And also her figure so slender...
Heinrich Heine