Rene Char wrote somewhere, apropos poetry, that there are those who create and those who discover; they are too completely different worlds. Photograph also has two sides to it and thank goodness, I am only intersted in those who discover; I feel a certain solidarity with those who set out in a spirit of discovery; I think there is much more risk invovled in this than in trying to create images; and in the end, reality is more important.
Henri Cartier-BressonOne has to tiptoe lightly and steal up to one's quarry; you don't swish the water when you are fishing.
Henri Cartier-BressonI suddenly understood that photography can fix eternity in a moment. It is the only photo that influenced me. There is such intensity in this image, such spontaneity, such joie de vivre, such miraculousness, that even today it still bowls me over.
Henri Cartier-BressonPhotographier: c'est mettre sur la meme ligne de mire la tete, l'oeil et le coeur.
Henri Cartier-BressonPictures should never be posed. They are 'revealed' so must be accepted as they are. Left alone.
Henri Cartier-BressonSome photographs are like a Chekhov short story or a Maupassant story. They're quick things and there's a whole world in them. But one is unconscious of it while shooting.
Henri Cartier-BressonThe difference between a good picture and a mediocre picture is a question of millimeters - small, small differences - but itโs essential. I didnโt think there is such a big difference between photographers. Very little difference. But it is that little difference that counts, maybe
Henri Cartier-Bresson