A man must be able to cut a knot, for everything cannot be untied; he must know how to disengage what is essential from the detail in which it is enwrapped, for everything cannot be equally considered; in a word, he must be able to simplify his duties, his business and his life.
Henri Frederic AmielAt the bottom of the modern man there is always a great thirst for self-forgetfulness, self-distraction . . . and therefore he turns away from all those problems and abysses which might recall to him his own nothingness.
Henri Frederic AmielOne may guess the why and wherefore of a tear and yet find it too subtle to give any account of. A tear may be the poetical resume of so many simultaneous impressions, the quintessence of so many opposing thoughts! It is like a drop of one of those precious elixirs of the East which contain the life of twenty plants fused into a single aroma.
Henri Frederic AmielSacrifice still exists everywhere, and everywhere the elect of each generation suffers for the salvation of the rest.
Henri Frederic AmielEvery life is a profession of faith, and exercises an inevitable and silent influence.
Henri Frederic AmielTo learn new habits is everything, for it is to reach the substance of life. Life is but a tissue of habits.
Henri Frederic AmielNature does at least what she can to translate into visible form the wealth of the creative formula. By the vastness of the abysses into which she penetrates, in the effort--the unsuccessful effort--to house and contain the eternal thought, we may measure the greatness of the divine mind.
Henri Frederic Amiel