If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and 'with malice toward none and charity for all' go forward on the great adventure of making political, economic and social democracy a practical reality, we shall not fail.
Henry A. WallaceIt may be shocking to some people in this country to realize that, without meaning to do so, they hold views in common with Hitler when they preach discrimination against other religious, racial or economic groups.
Henry A. WallaceThe wisdom of our actions in the first three years of peace will determine the course of world history for half a century.
Henry A. WallaceThe century which we are entering can be and must be the century of the common man.
Henry A. WallaceIf we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States. There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful.
Henry A. Wallace