. . . the enemy of righteousness also works in little steps, so small that they are hard to notice if you are thinking only about yourself and how great you are. Just as truth is given to us line upon line and the light brightens slowly as we obey, even so, as we disobey our testimony of truth lessens almost imperceptibly, little by little, and darkness descends so slowly that the proud may easily deny that anything is changing.
Henry B. EyringWhat all of us long for in our hearts, at Christmastime and always, is to feel bound together in love with the sweet assurance that it can last forever.
Henry B. EyringIf you reflect often on how His Atonement has changed you, and if you give thanks often, you will find that your witness of Him gains power to touch the hearts of others. When those you invite out of your own testimony feel that witness, they will come to accept Him as their Lord and Savior.
Henry B. EyringThe good word of the Lord with which we must nourish is the simple doctrine of the gospel. We need not fear either simplicity or repetition.
Henry B. EyringYou can test what we have talked about today. Just try two things. Listen for the whisperings of the Spirit and then commit to obey. . . . God will take advantage of that if you let Him
Henry B. Eyring