The Holy Ghost is a comforter and a guide. But it is also a cleansing agent. That is why service in the kingdom is so crucial to enduring. When we are called to serve, we can pray for the Holy Ghost to be our companion with assurance it will come.
Henry B. EyringYou make choices every day and almost every hour that keep you walking in the light or moving away toward darkness.
Henry B. EyringYou show your trust in Him when you listen with the intent to learn and repent and then you go and do whatever He asksโฆ..And if you then go and do what He would have you do, your power to trust Him will grow, and in time you will be overwhelmed with gratitude to find that He has come to trust you.
Henry B. EyringThose who are faithful to God are protected and prospered. That comes as the result of serving God and keeping His commandments. But with those blessings comes the temptation to forget their source. It is easy to begin to feel the blessings were granted not by a loving God on whom we depend but by our own powers.
Henry B. Eyring