The great test of life is ... not to endure storms, but to choose the right while they rage.
Henry B. EyringIt is hard to repent, to admit you are wrong on faith alone before the evidence of a feeling of being forgiven and light comes.
Henry B. EyringWhen we offer succor to anyone, the Savior feels it as if we reached out to succor Him.
Henry B. EyringIf we continue to seek learning to serve God and His children better, it is a blessing of great worth. If we begin to seek learning to exalt ourselves alone, it leads to selfishness and pride, which will take us away from eternal life.
Henry B. EyringEvery missionary who is proclaiming the name and gospel of Jesus Christ will be blessed by daily feasting from the Book of Mormon.
Henry B. Eyring. . . the enemy of righteousness also works in little steps, so small that they are hard to notice if you are thinking only about yourself and how great you are. Just as truth is given to us line upon line and the light brightens slowly as we obey, even so, as we disobey our testimony of truth lessens almost imperceptibly, little by little, and darkness descends so slowly that the proud may easily deny that anything is changing.
Henry B. Eyring