Why should Canada, wild and unsettled as it is, impress us as an older country than the States, unless because her institutions are old? All things appeared to contend there, as I have implied, with a certain rust of antiquity, such as forms on old armor and iron guns,--the rust of conventions and formalities. It is said that the metallic roofs of Montreal and Quebec keep sound and bright for forty years in some cases. But if the rust was not on the tinned roofs and spires, it was on the inhabitants and their institutions.
Henry David ThoreauThe broadest and most prevalent error requires the most disinterested virtue to sustain it.
Henry David ThoreauWhat is called politics is comparatively something so superficial and inhuman, that practically I have never fairly recognized that it concerns me at all.
Henry David ThoreauHow to extract its honey from the flower of the world. That is my everyday business. I am as busy as a bee about it. I ramble over fields on that errand and am never so happy as when I feel myself heavy with honey and wax. I am like a bee searching the livelong day for the sweets of nature.
Henry David ThoreauBeing a teacher is like being in jail; once it's on your record, you can never get rid of it.
Henry David ThoreauThe botanist should make interest with the bees if he would know when the flowers open and when they close.
Henry David ThoreauThe philanthropist too often surrounds mankind with the remembrance of his own cast- off griefs as an atmosphere, and calls it sympathy. We should impart our courage, and not our despair, our health and ease, and not our disease, and take care that this does not spread by contagion.
Henry David Thoreau