The Indian's intercourse with Nature is at least such as admits of the greatest independence of each.
Henry David ThoreauThe progress from an absolute to a limited monarchy, from a limited monarchy to a democracy, is a progress toward a true respect for the individual.
Henry David ThoreauMost men cry better than they speak. You get more nurture out of them by pinching than addressing them.
Henry David ThoreauThe poet who walks by moonlight is conscious of a tide in his thought which is to be referred to lunar influence.
Henry David ThoreauThe fault-finder will find faults even in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.
Henry David Thoreau