My neighbors tell me of their adventures with famous gentlemen and ladies, what notabilities they met at the dinner-table; but I am no more interested in such things than in the contents of the Daily Times. The interest and the conversation are about costume and manners chiefly; but a goose is a goose still, dress it as you will.
Henry David ThoreauHow insupportable would be the days, if the night with its dews and darkness did not come to restore the drooping world. As the shades begin to gather around us, our primeval instincts are aroused, and we steal forth from our lairs, like the inhabitants of the jungle, in search of those silent and brooding thoughts which are the natural prey of the intellect.
Henry David ThoreauMany have believed that Walden reached quite through to the other side of the globe.
Henry David ThoreauNature is mythical and mystical always, and works with the license and extravagance of genius. She has her luxurious and florid style as well as art.
Henry David Thoreau