I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.
Henry David ThoreauMany old people receive pensions for no other reason, it seems to me, but as a compensation for having lived a long time ago.
Henry David ThoreauWhen I go into a museum and see the mummies wrapped in their linen bandages, I see that the lives of men began to need reform as long ago as when they walked the earth. I come out into the streets, and meet men who declare that the time is near at hand for the redemption of the race. But as men lived in Thebes, so do they live in Dunstable today.
Henry David ThoreauThe student may read Homer or รรขย schylus in the Greek without danger of dissipation or luxuriousness, for it implies that hein some measure emulate their heroes, and consecrate morning hours to their pages.
Henry David Thoreau