A relation is formed betwixt every man and the fruits of his own labour, the very thing we call property, which he himself is sensible of, and of which every other is equally sensible. Yours and mine are terms in all languages, familiar among savages, and understood even by children. This is a fact, which every human creature can testify.
Henry Home, Lord KamesViolent passions are formed in solitude. In the busy world no object has time to make a deep impression.
Henry Home, Lord KamesDeath, whether it regards ourselves or others, appears less terrible in war than at home. The cries of women and children, friends in anguish, a dark room, dim tapers, priests and physicians, are what affect us the most on the death-bed. Behold us already more than half dead and buried.
Henry Home, Lord KamesLogic is the art of thinking well: the mind, like the body, requires to be trained before it can use its powers in the most advantageous way.
Henry Home, Lord Kames