My father ain't in Europe; my father's in a better place than Europe." Winterbourne imagined for a moment that this was the manner in which the child had been taught to intimate that Mr. Miller had been removed to the sphere of celestial reward. But Randolph immediately added, "My father's in Schenectady.
Henry JamesA man who pretends to understand women is bad manners. For him to really to understand them is bad morals.
Henry JamesI don't care about anything but you, and that's enough for the present. I want you to be happy--not to think of anything sad; only to feel that I'm near you and I love you. Why should there be pain? In such hours as this what have we to do with pain? That's not the deepest thing; there's something deeper.
Henry JamesShe is like a revolving lighthouse; pitch darkness alternating with a dazzling brilliancy!
Henry James