The perpetrators of the actual bad stuff that does real and lasting harm to people, like leakage of industrial chemicals into water systems, seem to get not so much as a second glance; the bloviation from media pundits and think tanks creates false problems that waste time and energy debunking.
Henry RollinsWe're at peak oil, peak water, peak resources, and so either we figure it out and let science lead or we head down a very bad, dark trail to where a lot of people aren't going to make it.
Henry RollinsMy whole access into culture was violent. Violence is something I understand. Don't like it, don't condone it, but I sure understand where it comes from.
Henry RollinsYouth is fleeting and life is short, you might as well strike hard. Anything else is just average.
Henry RollinsNietzsche, who you don't spend too much time with after the age of seventeen, did have that one great line about "he who stares into the abyss must know that the abyss also stares into him" and I never really understood that until my friend got killed and you really get your head around the idea of what horror means. It's a truly awful thing, to really, kind of have that understanding of things and when you really peer into that.
Henry Rollins