The art of walking is at once suggestive of the dignity of man. Progressive motion alone implies power, but in almost every other instance it seems a power gained at the expense of self-possession.
Henry Theodore TuckermanTravel gives a character of experience to our knowledge, and brings the figures on the tablet of memory into strong relief.
Henry Theodore TuckermanTo analyze the charms of flowers is like dissecting music; it is one of those things which it is far better to enjoy, than to attempt to fully understand.
Henry Theodore TuckermanA pilgrimage is an admirable remedy for over-fastidiousness and sickly refinement.
Henry Theodore TuckermanThe eye speaks with an eloquence and truthfulness surpassing speech. It is the window out of which the winged thoughts often fly unwittingly. It is the tiny magic mirror on whose crystal surface the moods of feeling fitfully play, like the sunlight and shadow on a still stream.
Henry Theodore Tuckerman