It is amusing to detect character in the vocabulary of each person. The adjectives habitually used, like the inscriptions on a thermometer, indicate the temperament.
Henry Theodore TuckermanCredulity is perhaps a weakness almost inseparable from eminently truthful characters.
Henry Theodore TuckermanWithout the definiteness of sculpture and painting, music is, for that very reason, far more suggestive. Like Milton's Eve, an outline, an impulse, is furnished, and the imagination does the rest.
Henry Theodore TuckermanA pilgrimage is an admirable remedy for over-fastidiousness and sickly refinement.
Henry Theodore TuckermanTo analyze the charms of flowers is like dissecting music; it is one of those things which it is far better to enjoy, than to attempt to fully understand.
Henry Theodore TuckermanProfessed authors who overestimate their vocation are too full of themselves to be agreeable companions. The demands of their egotism are inveterate. They seem to be incapable of that abandon which is the requisite condition of social pleasure; and bent upon winning a tribute of admiration, or some hint which they can turn to the account of pen-craft, there is seldom in their company any of the delightful unconsciousness which harmonizes a circle.
Henry Theodore Tuckerman