As warmth makes even glaciers trickle, and opens streams in the ribs of frozen mountains, so the heart knows the full flow and life of its grief only when it begins to melt and pass away.
Henry Ward BeecherOne should go to sleep as homesick passengers do, saying, "Perhaps in the morning we shall see the shore.
Henry Ward BeecherGive us that calm certainty of truth, that nearness to Thee, that conviction of the reality of the life to come, which we shall need to bear us through the troubles of this.
Henry Ward BeecherHe is the happiest man who is engaged in a business which tasks the most faculties of his mind.
Henry Ward BeecherWhen a man's pride is subdued it's like the sides of Mount Aetna. It was terrible during the eruption, but when that is over and the lava is turned into soil, there are vineyards and olive trees which grow up to the top.
Henry Ward BeecherThe natural term of an apple-pie is but twelve hours. It reaches its highest state about one hour after it comes from the oven, and just before its natural heat has quite departed. But every hour afterward is a declension. And after it is one day old, it is thence-forward but the ghastly corpse of apple-pie.
Henry Ward Beecher