Thou, Everlasting Strength, hast set Thyself forth to bear our burdens. May we bear Thy cross, and bearing that; find there is nothing else to bear; and touching that cross, find that instead of taking away our strength, it adds thereto. Give us faith for darkness, for trouble, for sorrow, for bereavement, for disappointment; give us a faith that will abide though the earth itself should pass away--a faith for living, a faith for dying.
Henry Ward BeecherGood men are not those who now and then do a good act, but men who join one good act to another.
Henry Ward BeecherHome should be an oratorio of the memory, singing to all our after life melodies and harmonies of old-remembered joy.
Henry Ward BeecherGod made man to go by motives, and he will not go without them, any more than a boat without steam or a balloon without gas.
Henry Ward Beecher