The elms of New England! They are as much a part of her beauty as the columns of the Parthenon were the glory of its architecture.
Henry Ward BeecherJohn Wesley quaintly observed that the road to heaven is a narrow path, not intended for wheels, and that to ride in a coach here and to go to heaven hereafter, was a happiness too much for man.
Henry Ward BeecherThe Bible stands alone in human literature in its elevated conception of manhood, in character and conduct.
Henry Ward BeecherOh, ye infidel philosophers, teach me how to find joy in sorrow, strength in weakness, and light in darkest days; how to bear buffeting and scorn; how to welcome death, and to pass through it into the sphere of life, and this not for me only, but for the whole world that groans and travails in pain; and till you can do this, speak not to me of a better revelation than the Bible.
Henry Ward Beecher