A grindstone that had not grit in it, how long would it take to sharpen an ax? And affairs that had not grit in them, how long would they take to make a man?
Henry Ward BeecherA mother is as different from anything else that God ever thought of, as can possibly be. She is a distinct and individual creation.
Henry Ward BeecherA mother has, perhaps, the hardest earthly lot; and yet no mother worthy of the name ever gave herself thoroughly for her child who did not feel that, after all, she reaped what she had sown.
Henry Ward BeecherHe is the happiest man who is engaged in a business which tasks the most faculties of his mind.
Henry Ward BeecherThe aster has not wasted spring and summer because it has not blossomed. It has been all the time preparing for what is to follow, and in autumn it is the glory of the field, and only the frost lays it low. So there are many people who must live forty or fifty years, and have the crude sap of their natural dispositions changed and sweetened before the blossoming time can come; but their lives have not been wasted.
Henry Ward Beecher