Since childhood she had walked the Devon rivers with her father looking for flowers and the nests of birds, passing some rocks and trees as old friends, seeing a Spirit everywhere, gentle in thought to all her eyes beheld.
Henry WilliamsonEvery gesture is a gesture from the blood, every expression a symbolic utterance... Everything is of the blood, of the senses.
Henry WilliamsonYet otters have not been hunters in water long enough for the habit to become an instinct.
Henry WilliamsonWhen the soil's fertility is being conserved instead of raped, when village life is a social unity, when pride of craftsmanship returns, when everyone works for the sake of adding beauty and importance to life, when every river is clean and bright, and the proud words 'I serve' are in everyone's heart and purpose. Then my country will be good enough for me.
Henry Williamson