So far I, at least, have no fault to find with implications of Hamilton's Federalism, but unfortunately his policy was in certain other respects tainted with a more doubtful tendency.
Herbert CrolyWhen Jefferson and the Republicans rallied to the Union and to the existing Federalist organization, the fabric of traditional American democracy was almost completely woven.
Herbert CrolyWomen ... are completely alone, though they were born and bred upon this soil, as if they belonged to another class in creation.
Herbert CrolyThe only fruitful promise of which the life of any individual or any nation can be possessed, is a promise determined by an ideal.
Herbert CrolyThe majority of men cannot be made disinterested for life by exhortation, by religious services, by any expenditure of subsidized works, or even by grave and manifest public need. They can be made permanently unselfish only by being helped to become disinterested in their individual purposes. In the complete democracy a man must in some way be made to serve the nation in the very act of contributing to his own individual fulfillment. Not until his personal action is dictated by disinterested motives can there be any such harmony between private and public interests.
Herbert Croly