But I would emphasize again that social and economic solutions, as such, will not avail to satisfy the aspirations of the people unless they conform with the traditions of our race, deeply grooved in their sentiments through a century and a half of struggle for ideals of life that are rooted in religion and fed from purely spiritual springs.
Herbert HooverThe most essential factor to economic recovery today [1932] is the restoration of confidence.
Herbert HooverThe people have a vital interest in the conservation of their natural resources; in the prevention of wasteful practices.
Herbert HooverI dare predict that the influence of the Treaty of Renunciation of War will be felt in a large proportion of all future international acts.
Herbert HooverThe imperative need of this nation at all times is the leadership of Uncommon Men or Women.
Herbert HooverProsperity is no idle expression. It is a job for every worker; it is the safety and safeguard of very business and every home. A continuation of the policies of the Republican party is fundamentally necessary to the future advancement of this progress and to the further building up of this prosperity.
Herbert Hoover