Once upon a time my political opponents honored me as possessing the fabulous intellectual and economic power by which I created a worldwide depression all by myself.
Herbert HooverI suppose I could have called in the whole of the Army, but what was the use? All I had to do was call in Main Street itself.
Herbert HooverAn ideal is an unselfish aspiration. Its purpose is the general welfare not only of this but of future generations. It is a thing of the spirit. It is a generous and humane desire that all men may share equally in a common good. Our ideals are the cement, which binds human society.
Herbert HooverUnless the U.N. is completely reorganized without the Communist nations in it, we should get out of it.
Herbert HooverWhile I can make no claim for having introduced the term "rugged individualism," I should be proud to have invented it. It has been used by American leaders for over a half-century in eulogy of those God-fearing men and women of honesty whose stamina and character and fearless assertion of rights led them to make their own way in life.
Herbert Hoover