Surely a gentle sister is the second best gift to a man; and it is first in point of occurrence; for the wife comes after.
Herman MelvilleSo long as a man-of-war exists, it must ever remain a picture of much that is tyrannical and repelling in human nature.
Herman MelvilleWill you, or will you not, quit me? I now demanded in a sudden passion, advancing close to him. "I would prefer not to quit you", he replied, gently emphasizing the not.
Herman MelvilleIt is-or seems to be-a wise sort of thing, to realise that all that happens to a man in this life is only by way of joke, especially his misfortunes, if he have them. And it is also worth bearing in mind, that the joke is passed round pretty liberally & impartially, so that not very many are entitled to fancy that they in particular are getting the worst of it.
Herman Melville