I will live and die by this testimony: that I loved a good conscience; that I never invaded another man's liberty; and that I preserved my own.
Herman MelvilleBenevolent desires, after passing a certain point, can not undertake their own fulfillment without incurring the risk of evils beyond those sought to be remedied.
Herman MelvilleAh, happiness courts the light so we deem the world is gay. But misery hides aloof so we deem that misery there is none.
Herman MelvilleFor my part I love sleepy fellows, and the more ignorant the better. Damn your wide-awake and knowing chaps. As for sleepiness, itis one of the noblest qualities of humanity. There is something sociable about it, too. Think of those sensible & sociable millions of good fellows all taking a good long friendly snooze together, under the sod--no quarrels, no imaginary grievances, no envies, heart-burnings, & thinking how much better that other chap is off--none of this: but all equally free-&-easy, they sleep away & reel off their nine knots an hour, in perfect amity.
Herman Melville