Evil is the chronic malady of the universe, and checked in one place, breaks forth in another.
Herman MelvilleIn some things, we Americans leave to other countries the carrying out of the principle that stands at the head of our Declaration of Independence.
Herman MelvilleLet us pray that the great historic tragedy of our time may not have been enacted without instructing our whole beloved country through terror and pity; and may fulfillment verify in the end those expectations which kindle the bards of Progress and Humanity.
Herman Melvilleall mankind, not excluding Americans, are sinners--miserable sinners, as even no few Bostonians themselves nowadays contritely respond in the liturgy.
Herman MelvilleThe friendship of fine-hearted, generous boys, nurtured amid the romance-engendering comforts and elegancies of life, sometimes transcends the bounds of mere boyishness, and revels for a while in the empyrean of a love which only comes short, by one degree, of the sweetest sentiment entertained between the sexes.
Herman Melville