What could I say to you that would be of value, except that perhaps you seek too much, that as a result of your seeking you cannot find.
Hermann HesseThey slept profoundly, desperately, greedily, as though for the last time, as though they had been condemned to stay awake forever and had to drink in all the sleep in the world during these last hours.
Hermann HesseA thousand times I was ready to regret and take back my rash statement - yet it had been the truth.
Hermann HesseA home isn't just a roof over our heads. A home is a place where we feel loved and where we love others. It's a place we belong. Love is what makes a home, not the contents inside the house or the number on the door. It's the people waiting for us across the threshold, the people who will take us in their arms after a ad day and kiss us good night and good morning everyday for the rest of our lives.
Hermann Hesse