Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.
Hermann MinkowskiHeaven is angered by my arrogance; my proof [of the four-color theorem] is also defective.
Hermann MinkowskiOh, that Einstein, always skipping lectures... I certainly never would have thought he could do it.
Hermann MinkowskiThe rigid electron is in my view a monster in relation to Maxwell's equations, whose innermost harmony is the principle of relativity... the rigid electron is no working hypothesis, but a working hindrance. Approaching Maxwell's equations with the concept of the rigid electron seems to me the same thing as going to a concert with your ears stopped up with cotton wool. We must admire the courage and the power of the school of the rigid electron which leaps across the widest mathematical hurdles with fabulous hypotheses, with the hope to land safely over there on experimental-physical ground.
Hermann Minkowski