Christianity, Christ, heaven, hell, the judgment, sin, holiness, God,--these, and whether they be true, or false, and our personal relations to them, whether they be right or wrong, are things to know about, not to be doubting or guessing about.
Herrick JohnsonTake Christ out of the gospel, and you take its very heart out. He has not only originated a system, but He has put Himself into it, as its very life and soul and power.
Herrick JohnsonThe Bible is the most thought suggesting book in the world. No other deals with such grand themes.
Herrick JohnsonIf God is a reality, and the soul is a reality, and you are an immortal being, what are you doing with your Bible shut?
Herrick JohnsonThe saddest of all failures is that of a soul, with its capabilities and possibilities, failing of life everlasting, and entering upon that night of death upon which morning never dawns.
Herrick JohnsonLook, therefore, which way we will, whether at the direct Scriptural statements of death as the penalty of sin, or at the agony of the cross as a means of rescue, or at the joy of the angels of God over a rescue; we see from either that it must be a work of infinite and eternal consequence--the work of redemption.
Herrick Johnson