Be at the pains of putting down every single item of expenditure whatsoever every day which could possibly be twisted into a professional expense and remember to lump in all the doubtfulls.
Hilaire BellocThe machine does not control the mind of man, though it affects the mind of man; it is the mind of man that can and should control the machine.
Hilaire BellocIt has been discovered that with a dull urban population, all formed under a mechanical system of State education, a suggestion or command, however senseless and unreasoned, will be obeyed if it be sufficiently repeated.
Hilaire BellocAn institute run with such knavish imbecility that if it were not the work of God it would not last a fortnight.
Hilaire BellocEven if the wealth and power be well distributed throughout a community, its members will not be happy unless they are inwardly so, and obviously where the distribution is bad, where the few have a vast superfluity and the many are consumed by anxiety or want, or where a few controllers can exercise their will over the many, society has failed, even though its total wealth and power be increased.
Hilaire Belloc