There is no one who has cooked but has discovered that each particular dish depends for its rightness upon some little point which he is never told. It is not only so of cooking: it is so of splicing a rope; of painting a surface of wood; of mixing mortar; of almost anything you like to name among the immemorial human arts.
Hilaire BellocAn institute run with such knavish imbecility that if it were not the work of God it would not last a fortnight.
Hilaire BellocBe at the pains of putting down every single item of expenditure whatsoever every day which could possibly be twisted into a professional expense and remember to lump in all the doubtfulls.
Hilaire BellocPhysicians of the utmost fame, Were called at once; but when they came They answered, as they took their fees, 'There is no Cure for this Disease.'
Hilaire BellocThe gentleman is generous and treats all men as his equals, especially those whom he feels to be inferior in rank and wealth.
Hilaire Belloc