If you have a debt issue or credit card issue, start dealing with it. If you have a tax issue, don't just say, 'I'm not going to file.' There are ways to deal with these things, but you must communicate with your creditors, whether it's a credit card company or tax department.
Hill HarperSince Im in the entertainment business, I think I have to hold a mirror up to myself and say, Am I complicit in miseducating and misinforming our youth by participating in this business, or can I use this business to re-educate and uplift?
Hill HarperLove is an energy. You can feed it to people, and they in turn feed it to others, and eventually it comes back.
Hill HarperI'm not excusing crime or those who bring poison into the community, but I do want brothers and sisters in prison to know someone cares.
Hill Harper