People just want to see something happen that is positive for them in their lives. If you're struggling to pay your student-loan debts, or if you've got a kid trying to go to college and don't think you're going to be able to afford it, it really matters whether you get help or not. If you don't have health care or you have insurance but the insurance company won't pay for what your doctor says you need, then what's the point of people arguing in Washington? Why don't you give me some help to fix this problem? I will work with anybody if I think we can actually produce results for people.
Hillary ClintonTens of thousands of men and women with kids to raise, bills to pay, and dreams that won't die. This is your campaign.
Hillary ClintonIt was during George W. Bush's presidency that Iran mastered the nuclear fuel cycle, that they built covert facilities, that they stocked them with centrifuges, that they were spinning merrily away toward getting a nuclear-weapons program.
Hillary ClintonLet's face it, the U.S. government is woefully, woefully behind in all of its policies that affect the use of technology.
Hillary Clinton