I think we've got to look at corporate law. Back in the day when I studied it, there were different constituencies that were to be served, and I think there was a real wrong turn about 20 to 25 years ago when the theory began to be promoted that your highest duty - in fact, some would argue, your only duty - is to maximize shareholder return. I just don't buy it. And it wasn't the original underpinnings of the legal theory of corporate law.
Hillary ClintonOne of my goals upon becoming Secretary of State was to take diplomacy out of capitals, out of government offices, into the media, into the streets of countries.
Hillary ClintonI still support the right of local communities to make up their own minds about whether or not they want to permit fracking.
Hillary ClintonI know from my own experience that you've got to be ready on day one. There is just too much unpredictable threat and danger in the world today to try to just say wait, I'll get to that when I can. That is just not an acceptable approach.
Hillary Clinton