To reap a return in ten years, plant trees. To reap a return in 100, cultivate the people.
Ho Chi MinhIf you do not condemn colonialism, if you do not side with the colonial people, what kind of revolution are you waging?
Ho Chi MinhI'm very moved to be here today, ... Our lives are now much better, but Vietnam remains a very poor country. We need to work much harder.
Ho Chi MinhImperialism has now reached a degree of almost scientific perfection. It uses White workers to conquer the non-white workers of The Colonies. Then, it hurls the non-white workers of one colony against those of another non-white colony. Finally, it relies on the Colored workers of the colonies to rule the White workers. Recently, White French soldiers near mutiny in the occupied Ruhr of Germany, were surrounded by French African soldiers, and colored native light-infantry were sent against White German strikers.
Ho Chi Minh