His eyes look too bright, the way the do in people who are in love, people who are enraged, and people who are completely bonkers.
Holly BlackCarney is like a graveyard where everyone already owns their plots and has built houses on top of them.
Holly BlackIt demeans you to cover rotten meat with honey. I know what I am. What would you want with a monster?" "Everything.
Holly BlackBaby," she says in a harsh whisper, "in this world, lots of people will try to grind you down. They need you to be small so they can be big. You let them think whatever they want, but you make sure you get yours. You get yours.
Holly BlackI can walk into someone's house, kiss their wife, sit down at their table, and eat their dinner. I can lift a passport at an airport, and in twenty minutes it will seem like it's mine. I can be a blackbird staring in the window. I can be a cat creeping along a ledge. I can go anywhere I want and do the worst things I can imagine, with nothing to ever connect me to those crimes. Today I look like me, but tomorrow I could look like you. I could be you.
Holly Black