His words were still clear in her mind from that first meeting. "Whoever eats this will love you." She looked into the mirror, at her birthmark, bright as blood, at her kiss-stung lips, at the absurd smile stretching across her face. Carefully separating out the crushed pieces of shell, she pulled the dried pulp free from its cage of veins. Piece by piece, she put the sweet brown fruit in her own mouth and swallowed it down.
Holly BlackPhilip Sharpe was a soldier in God's army," says the minister. "Now he marches with the angels.
Holly BlackShe knew she shouldn't feel that way about a monster, but right then, she wanted nothing more than a monster of her very own.
Holly BlackIf you keep it," Daneca says, "he'll have his claws in you." Everyone has their claws in me. Everyone.
Holly Black