I thought of how proud he was when he took the marks- cutting the skin of his throat in a long slash and then packing it with ashes until keloid scars rose up. He called it his second smile.
Holly BlackShe knew what it felt like to tremble like that before touching someone -- desire so acute that it became despair.
Holly BlackI haven't had a very good day. I think I might still be hung over and everyone's dead and my root beer's gone.
Holly BlackLibrarians are hot. They have knowledge and power over their domain...It is no coincidence how many librarians are portrayed as having a passionate interior, hidden by a cool layer of reserve. Aren't books like that? On the shelf, their calm covers belie the intense experience of reading one. Reading inflames the soul. Now, what sort of person would be the keeper of such books?
Holly BlackThe most important thing for any con artist is never to think like a mark. Marks think they can get something for nothing. Marks think they can get what they donโt deserve and could never deserve. Marks are stupid and pathetic and sad. Marks think theyโre going to go home one night and have the girl theyโve loved since they were a kid suddenly love them back. Marks forget that whenever somethingโs too good to be true, thatโs because itโs a con.
Holly Black