Imagination helps the realism of every detail, and only sees the beauties of the work.
Honore de Balzac[Raphael's] great superiority is due to the instinctive sense which, in him, seems to desire to shatter form. Form is, in his figures, what it is in ourselves, an interpreter for the communication of ideas and sensations, an exhaustless source of poetic inspiration. Every figure is a world in itself, a portrait of which the original appeared in a sublime vision, in a flood of light, pointed to by an inward voice, laid bare by a divine finger which showed what the sources of expression had been in the whole past life of the subject.
Honore de BalzacLoyalty in time of need is possibly one of the noblest of victories a courtier can win over himself.
Honore de BalzacWhat is a child, monsieur, but the image of two beings, the fruit of two sentiments spontaneously blended?
Honore de Balzac