I am by nature the most intolerant and insular Englishman... If you happen to be a person like that and you learn from evidence (which you are prepared to accept) that in the past you have been a Chinese, an Egyptian, a Persian, a Red Indian... you begin to assume a somewhat less exclusive view of these our fellow men.
Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron DowdingIn the early stages of the fight Mr. Winston Churchill spoke with affectionate raillery of me and my "Chicks." He could have said nothing to make me more proud; every Chick was needed before the end.
Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron DowdingMore than 10,000 sightings have been reported, the majority of which cannot be accounted for by any 'scientific' explanation. . .I am convinced that these objects do exist and that they are not manufactured by any nation on earth.
Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron DowdingOf course UFOs are real-and they are interplanetary.....The cumulative evidence for the existence of UFOs is quite overwhelming and I accept the fact of their existence.
Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron DowdingNearly all of us have a deep rooted wish for peace-peace on earth; but we shall never attain the true peace-the peace of love, and not the uneasy equilibrium of fear-until we recognize the place of animals in the scheme of things and treat them accordingly.
Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron DowdingThe best defence of the country is the fear of the fighter. If we are strong in fighters we should probably never be attacked in force. If we are moderately strong we shall probably be attacked and the attacks will gradually be bought to a standstill. . . . If we are weak in fighter strength, the attacks will not be bought to a standstill and the productive capacity of the country will be virtually destroyed.
Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron Dowding