If I were asked about what to do about the level of insecurity and anxiety in contemporary Australian society, I wouldn't start with politics and I wouldn't say too much about terrorism. I'd suggest as a first step, that you invite the neighbours over for a drink this weekend. Today a drink, tomorrow a barbeque, pretty soon, a community.
Hugh MackayWith increasing frequency and growing vehemence, you hear people saying they are ashamed to be Australians.
Hugh MackayStill, most of those effects occur in the context of harmless play and it is patently obvious that children are not normally turned into aggressive little monsters by TV or video games, since most children do not become aggressive little monsters.
Hugh MackayOne reason we resist making deliberate choices is that choice equals change and most of us, feeling the world is unpredictable enough, try to minimise the trauma of change in our personal lives.
Hugh MackayOn average, Australians watch more than three hours of television a day, compared with 12 minutes a day spent by the average couple talking to each other.
Hugh Mackay